5 Must Watch TV Shows

If you often find yourself mindlessly scrolling through Netflix or your TV guide, looking for something to watch that isn’t a Friends repeat, then this list is for you. Here are my top five must-see shows that often slip under the radar.

1. Sweetbitter

Based on the novel by Stephanie Danler, the Starz show follows Tess (Ella Purnell), a 22-year-old who spontaneously moves to New York City, alone and without a plan. Set in 2006, the young English major gets a trial based job as a back-waitress at a prestigious Manhattan restaurant.


Filled with enticing visuals of food and authentic representations of the messy relationships that go on behind the scenes of restaurant, this show is much more than booze, sex, and drugs… although there’s plenty of that too.


2. Killing Eve

Written by Fleabag’s Phoebe Waller-Bridge, this BBC America series follows MI5 spy Eve Polastri (Sandra Oh) and a glamorous, skilled, and dangerously psychopathic assassin called Villanelle (Jodie Comer). These two women soon become entwined in a breath-taking game of cat-and-mouse taking them on adventures around the world to London, Paris, Tuscany, Berlin, and Moscow – just to name a few.


Dubbed as a ‘feminist thriller’, this enthralling show is tense, seductive, and surprising, all the while subverting expectations of the serial-killer canon. Most notably, it’s fresh and visually stunning cinematography is definitely worth your time. Oh, and it’s also really, really funny.


3. Sense8

The first season of this Netflix sci-fi drama introduces eight strangers from different parts of the world who suddenly become ‘sensates’. They are subsequently linked to the seven other members of their ‘cluster’, with whom they share emotions and experiences, and can ‘visit’ by mentally transporting to each others’ locations. For example, a Chicago police officer can ‘visit’ a matatu driver in Nairobi, without moving an inch.


Throughout it’s two season run the show’s eight protagonists explore identity, sexuality, politics, gender, and religion whilst fighting an organisation dedicated to hunting and neutralising their kind. Please Netflix, bring the show back for a third season.


4. Animal Kingdom

Based on the eponymous 2010 Australian film by David Michôd, the TNT series follows J (Finn Cole), a 17-year-old boy who, after the death of his mother, moves in with the his felonious family, governed by his grandmother and matriarch, Smurf (Ellen Barkin).


As he tries to cope with school and his girlfriend, J must adapt to a life of crime with his ruthless uncles, partaking in their thievery as initiation into the family. Currently, this gritty crime drama is in it’s third season.


5. Imposters

Bravo’s dark comedy follows newly married Ezra Bloom (Rob Heaps) who works successfully in his family’s business until his life falls apart when new wife Ava (Inbar Lavi) reveals herself to be a con artist and disappears with his money. He soon meets Richard (Parker Young) and Jules (Marianne Rendon) who also fell victim to her con, and together they team up to track her down.


Finishing with it’s second season, the neo-noir show meshes comedy, drama, and unexpected twists as Ezra, Richard, and Jules try to take back control of their lives, and find new versions of themselves along the way.



18 Reasons to Get Hyped About 2018

I stumbled across an article I wrote towards the end of last year that I never got round to sending in to The Linc. It listed 18 reasons to look forward to the coming year, but seeing as we’re almost half way through they year, I though it could be interesting to look back at the list, reacting to things that have come to pass and reminding myself of what’s still to still to come. So here we go…

18 Reasons to Get Hyped About 2018

With 2017 coming to an end it’s time to look to the new year and at the many reasons to get excited about the future. From sport happenings to advanced tech to lots of upcoming films, here’s the run down on 18 reasons to get hyped about 2018.

1. After a four-year wait Russia will host the next FIFA World Cup, kicking off in June.

Tomorrow! Woah six months has flown by. We probably won’t make it out of the group stages but you never know. C’mon England.


2. Next year will bring new music from Muse, Charlie Puth, Fall Out Boy, Charli XCX and even Avril Lavigne.

Meh, I remember trying to include different genres but I’m not too bothered. Although, 2018 did give us tunes by Dua Lipa, Drake, Shawn Mendes, and Camila Cabello so all’s well.

3. Two people are set to fly around the moon in a Falcon Heavy rocket as the world’s first lunar tourists.

Fairly certain this hasn’t happened yet.

4. There’ll be a new royal baby with the birth of Will and Kate’s third child.

Prince Louis! Also, how did I forget to put Harry and Meghan’s wedding on this list? It was beautiful and I cried.







5. February will see the return of the RBS Six Nations.

Heart-breaking. England came 5th.

6. Speaking of rugby, England will face New Zealand in the autumn internationals, having waited four years for their next chance to beat the World No.1s.

Not till November so fingers crossed for a better result!

7. If you’re into superhero films 2018 will be a big year for you, bringing the release of Avengers: Infinity Wars.

What a film! It just hit $2 billion at the box office making it the 4th highest grossing movie of all time. I tend to tear up at films but this was on another level. When the credits rolled I couldn’t even find words with so much going through my head. Go see it! 

8. Next year will bring the reboot of Lara Croft, titled Tomb Raider and starring Alicia Vikander.

Weird coincidence that I have it up on my laptop right now. I’m only 16 minutes in but it’s looking good. *Update* I finished the film and it wasn’t great. Actually that’s far too polite, it was really bad.

9. Advances will be seen in travel technology with Elon Musk’s Hyperloop, a subsonic train that can reach 700mph and will open to the public.

It’s not happened yet but Musk has sold some flamethrowers called ‘Not-A-Flamethrower’ to raise funds for the Hyperloop. 

10. After a 14 year-long wait, The Incredibles 2 will be released.

Any day now!

11. Talking of sequels, Jurassic Park will be back on the big screen with Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom.

I haven’t seen it yet but I think it’s doing okay at the box office, and it has good-to-average reviews.

12. For any NFL fans don’t forget Minnesota will host the 52nd Superbowl, with Justin Timberlake playing the halftime show.

I stayed up late to watch this and it was ok but in hindsight I wish I’d chosen the sleep.

13. After a three-year absence, Dancing on Ice is making a comeback to our tv screens.

It came and went and I forgot to watch it. My mum enjoyed it though!

14. There’s something for everyone with Kendrick Lamar, Sam Smith, Bruno Mars, Foo Fighters and Imagine Dragons all touring in the UK.

Too pricey.

15. South Korea’s city Pyeongchang will host the Winter Olympics.

Wow did I become obsessed with Olympic ice dancers Tessa Virtue and Scott Moir. Go watch their gold winning routine they do to Moulin Rouge.

16. Walt Disney Studios will release Mary Poppins Returns, with Emily Blunt in the titular role.

Still hoping it will be good!

17. The newest instalment of a Star Wars Film, Solo: A Star Wars Story will hit cinemas in the late spring.

I haven’t seen it but I heard it’s a box office flop. Gutted for you Han.

18. Finally, Game of Thrones’ eighth and final season is expected to air, but several cast weddings might see production delayed so fingers crossed!

It’s not happening till 2019. *Cries*




The Linc Articles

While I was at Lincoln University I wrote a couple of articles for the student newspaper, The Linc. I thought it might be a good idea to group all the links into a post so I can find them easily. Enjoy!






Leaving Lincoln

First year. Second year. Third year. All gone in the blink of an eye.

Leaving the place where I’m most happy definitely feels bittersweet. I’ll try to keep in mind that although my time as an undergraduate is over, I’m on to the next adventure.

Goodbye Lincoln.




I’m two months into university and I’m pretty confident I can narrow university students down into seven categories.

The Ghost – Housemate or course mate and you hardly ever see them. With this person comes exceptionally awkward encounters.

The Raver – They’ve been to every bar and club, hell they probably work as promoters. Minimum of four nights out a week. Also Yik Yak obsessed.

The Clean One  – They regularly text the flat group chat to remind everyone who’s turn it is to take the bin out or to complain about someone using their tea towel.

The Innocent – The one who wasn’t at all prepared for the heavy social lifestyle of the level of alcohol consumption.

The Stealer – The annoying cheapskate who brought absolutely zilch with them so relentlessly uses your stuff and steals your food.

The Machine – Somewhere nearby, someone has entered the university system with the intention to actually learn a lot. No need for motivational deadlines, these guys have finished assignments days if not weeks in advance.

The Soulmate – Whether they are a guy or a girl, a friend or more, where have they been all your life?


The Large Hadron Collider cost £3.74 billion pounds so far and it’s hopefully going to produce the elusive dark matter particles.

We can’t see them but they make up 20% of absolutely everything in the universe.

The LHC is trying to prove the existence of something that we can’t see, by not seeing it.

Another 4% is the stuff we do know about that makes up stars and planets. The rest, about 70%, is called dark energy. We know nothing about that. Zero. Mad.

‘So I paid £200 for you to go on that school trip and you learnt nothing?!’

Lobster Lady

Something I find very cool and that you might find very lame is that you can make up a random sentence and be the first person to say it in the history of the universe.

‘Imagine a little old lady with multicoloured hair sledging with a lobster suit on whilst listening to one direction and yelling something about dry shampoo.’

I’m pretty sure that I was the first person ever to say that sentence.

Cool right? No? Oh.